Matt Hershey

Matt was called by the Lord to urban ministry over twenty years ago. He has spent time the past two decades in this realm developing young urban Christian leaders, walking with homeless families, working in youth ministry, pastoring, and now serving those affected by incarceration with Jubilee Ministries. Matt has a passion to live as a bridge between the haves and have nots, those in the city and those outside the city, those who know Jesus and those who don’t know Jesus. It turns out, we have much to learn from each other! Matt lives with his wife, Courtney, and their children, in the City of Lebanon. In his free time he can be found riding a bike or swimming.


- Colorado
- Sushi
- Naps

People would be surprised to know:
- I was born in New Jersey.
- I sang the national anthem at a Chicago White Sox game…one and a half times (it’s a painful memory).

Quote that speaks to me:

“Hold on, let me overthink this.”—Unknown, found on sticker above my desk

Chief Development Officer