Ministry Volunteer Application Name * First Name Last Name Gender * Male Female Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Phone * (###) ### #### Cell Phone (###) ### #### Email * Present Employment Job Title EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION * First Name Last Name Relation Phone Name of High School Did you graduate? Yes No Name of college/business/trade school? Did you graduate? Yes No Have you been convicted of a crime in the last five years? * Yes No If yes, please explain: Have you ever been involved with drugs and/or alcohol abuse? * Yes No If yes, how long have you been drug/alcohol free? * How did you become familiar with Jubilee? In what area would you like to be involved? * When are you available? * MM DD YYYY Considering Jubilee’s mission of bringing people to Christ by ministering to their needs, are you able to share with another person what Jesus has done for you? Yes No List 3 References not related to you. Pastor Years Acquainted Phone Number Address Name of Church Name Years Acquainted Phone Number Address Name Years Acquainted Phone Number Address What skills, gifts, or experience would you be able to contribute? Describe your Spiritual journey. Describe who you are. Thank you for your application! We will be in touch with you.